Best email evaar

DISCLAIMERS! (important shit)

  1. NO SPAMMING OR SHIT THATS ILLEGAL IN US OR UK!!! Report abuse to [email protected]
  2. Email is unencrypted so if you don't want l33t h4xx0rz spying on you use a VPN
  3. No guarantees come with the email. It might go down or your data might be lost.

How 2 get email

Email [email protected] and ask for an email. Tell me the email you'd like! You might want a 2nd choice if the first is unavailable! Your password will be given in the response email. That's not secure, so you might want to contact me via other means or wait until there's an automatic registration system when I stop being a lazy asshole.

Once you have an email and are logged in, send yourself an email and mark it as "not spam" (check your spam inbox).

How 2 buy this domain

Email [email protected] with your offer for the domain in GBP.

Settings (how 2 setup)


Download a mail client such as Thunderbird. Thunderbird has been tested and can auto-configure these emails.
Below are configuration details if something fucks up

Encryption (AKA Connection security): None
SMTP Outgoing port: 587
IMAP port: 143